This pregnancy started off with a scary moment when I took a fall in the bathroom and went to the emergency room to be checked. It's always better to be safe than sorry. They did some blood work, took a urine sample and did an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech started off with telling me that she wasn't able to tell me anything because she was not the reviewing doctor, and yet she proceeded to looked concerned. She wouldn't tell me anything, which had me worried. I went back to my room, and waited for the doctor to come in. After what seemed like forever, he came in and stated that while my urine and blood work showed that I was indeed pregnant, the ultrasound showed all. So they said that I should have my blood work checked in a few days to make sure that my beta HcG levels were increasing as they should. They said that if I was really early, that it was perfectly normal to not see anything, so I left there just antsy and waiting for a real answer.
A few days go by, and I had my follow up at the OB for my blood work where they confirmed that my numbers looked great! As of now, things were back to normal (in the pregnancy life). Little did I know that they were all just beginning because we were getting married!
Our first picture as Mr. & Mrs. Hughes (1-11-15) |
On our honeymoon, I was in the midst of my first trimester sickness, which....well let's just say I have a beef with baby #2 already because I was not the littlest bit sick with my first pregnancy, so it hit me completely off guard. We spent a week at Disney World and for being a newly pregnant woman, it was filled with water, snacks, nap breaks, and late starts in the morning. There were a lot of rides that I couldn't ride but it was the perfect opportunity for me to sleep in while my new husband hit the parks early for the trill rides that I couldn't ride. Believe me, most people would be like...why would you want your husband to go without you? The extra sleep and the sweet treats he would bring back would help me last for the rest of the day.
Our honeymoon in Disney World |
About a week after we got back from our honeymoon, we had our first 'official' OB appointment. It was a packed house, it was myself, Brad, his mother, and Bentley. We finally got called back and saw the doctor, who said words that literally sounded like gibberish because all I wanted to see what a little tiny spec that they called my baby on that ultrasound screen. We finally were sent to the ultrasound room, where they got ready for the ultrasound. (Warning, pregnancy TMI ahead...) I am probably one girl who totally hates transvaginal ultrasounds. Something about a big giant lubed up probe being shoved inside of you, is not comforting at all. All of the discomfort and awkwardness having a room full of people went away as soon as we saw what my toddler called a "little peanut" pop up on the screen. She stated that everything looked great, and peanut was actually measuring a day ahead, although they kept my due date the same, as 9/1/2015. Everything looked great, and as the ultrasound tech went to leave the room, Bentley yelled, "Wait, wait! You left it in there!" Haha! The life of a toddler experiencing a sibling at his age, is the best!
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Our little peanut at 7 weeks and 6 days (1-19-15) |
Aside from the vomiting, the restless sleep, vomiting, headaches, vomiting, and more vomit, everything else has been a pretty "normal" pregnancy as they seem to call it. When you are in your last few weeks of pregnancy and you are absolutely miserable, don't let it cloud over the rest of your pregnancy experience. I was obviously miserable the last few weeks of my first pregnancy but who isn't? My first pregnancy experience was a breeze. This one...not so much. I have had such great help at home with my precious sweet Bentley and my amazing new husband. There has been one issue that has been reoccurring that started towards the end of my pregnancy with Bentley and that's the dreaded back pain. I finally caved in and made a doctors appointment with my OB because my primary doctor thought that the pregnancy was the reason behind my pain. The doctor prescribed me muscle relaxers, and referred me to go have physical therapy done.
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Peanut at 11 weeks |
My first appointment came for physical therapy when I was shocked to find out that it wasn't physical therapy at all, but a full chiropractor. I had to listen to my poor body get twisted and cracked in ways that I never thought was possible. At first I felt absolutely great, and went hard playing with my boy all morning. Then around the evening time, I was doubled over in tears from the pain. They told me it would get better before it got worse but for my optimistic brain, that meant, my existing pain would linger around a little bit, but it was far from that. So for the next few weeks, I will be visiting my glorious certified back fixer upper 3 times a week, and then I will continue throughout my pregnancy. Wish me luck!
Until next time...
Brandi, Brad, Bentley & 'Peanut'
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