I thought my last post was eventful, man, I didn't know that the next few weeks would mean some major lifestyle changes ahead...
As most pregnant women nearing their third (and final) trimester are required to complete a glucose tolerance test, I went in blind, expecting the same results as my previous pregnancy with Bentley. I failed the one hour glucose tolerance test, (GTT) with him, and it was deja vue. I was told the same day that I needed to come back for the three hour GTT, with fasting from midnight until after my test. I drove to my OB, starving and missing my morning coffee, and sat down for the first of four blood draws. I got to know the phlebotomist very well by the end of this experience! She mentioned to me that this would be the first of four sticks, and that if I wasn't feeling good after drinking the
horrible drink, that they had a room that I could lay down in. I down the drink like a champ, and started the countdown to the first 1 hour mark. I sat in the waiting room, playing games and watching videos on my phone, when before I knew it, my alarm went off to go back for my second stick. She took my second tube of blood, and sent me on my way. Shortly after returning to the waiting room, I started to feel sick. I remembered those famous words that she told me early on, "If you throw up, you have to do the test all over again another day." I literally walked to the back of the office, mumbling, "I will
not puke. I will
not puke." I let her know that I wasn't feeling well, and she sent me to a room to take a nap. I fell right to sleep, not having my morning coffee was already taking a toll on me. She came into the room and tapped me on my arm, and drew my blood again before I knew it. Back to sleep I went! It was minutes later that my nurse came in, sat down and sighed... I knew what that meant. That
sigh.... She rubbed my leg and said, "Sweetie, you have gestational diabetes." UGH! I kept my cool while she went on her lesson about the issue, and what the future would hold for me, and a bunch of other stuff that I am not even sure I listened too, and sent me on my way.
I got into the car, and called my mother, and LOST it. I started crying about how I didn't have this problem with Bentley, and I don't even know what to do about it yet, and how I felt like I somehow have done something wrong, and everything else that goes through an emotional pregnant woman's brain! She had gestational diabetes while pregnant with me, so she explained to me a little more about it, (which is probably everything the nurse said), and told me to stay calm. Little did I know that on this day, it would mark the week from hell ahead...

A few days after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I had my first OB appointment to discuss the plans, met with my nutritionist, and had blood sugar meter training. They mentioned that since my blood sugars were
very high during the GTT that I was going to have my numbers closely monitored to see if I would need oral medication or insulin to control it.
I spent the next few days pricking and poking my finger, for what seemed non stop. I spent a few days using the advice from the nutritionist, and checking my levels all day, and then it was back to my OB office for a follow up. When going to see her, she stated that she was worried about my high levels, and started my on an oral medication to aid with keeping my sugars in their targeted range.
I was also told that in my appointment, that I showed protein in my urine and that since I was already diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure), that I needed to do a 24 hour urine collection. (Seriously?) That came back with an elevated level of protein but not quite high enough to be in preeclampsia range. So I am in the clear with that...for now, anyway.
I think Brittan wanted me to know that she's already going to be a handful!
This update alone made me exhausted since it's action packed! Reliving it is even exhausting! :)
More details with pregnancy updates, fourth of July celebrations, and 'Mommy's Favorite' coming up!
With much love (and exhaustion),