So, hello from the crazy, non-stop, life of a pregnant mom of two! I have been distant for a while, because of some expected and unexpected events going on. But first, let's get to the update on my little princess!
Brittan at 13 weeks and 4 days |
Last update from me, was back in February when we found our by our DNA testing that we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. I had another ultrasound shortly after to be able to see the baby, knowing for sure that it was a girl! I was very excited! I was happy to learn that my mom had felt the same feelings I had, when it came to thinking it was a girl, and had already started making baby girl items!
I had a few concerns with my doctors, including my weight loss due to severe nausea. I was placed on a series of different medications to assist with the vomiting and nausea, and help at least level out weight wise. I had never experienced anything like this with my first pregnancy, with Bentley, so this was a whole new battle for me. Then, on top of it all, my son caught a horrible stomach bug, and in the middle of the pregnancy, non-stop, vomiting, I had a three year old, vomiting with me. It was
not fun! I feel for any pregnant woman who has had to experience that, especially for a longer duration of the pregnancy. Mine eased up around 20 weeks or so, (at least that I remember!). I had convinced myself that each day that I thought, "Hey, I haven't been sick!" the anxiety just made me run to the bathroom, so I tried to put those days behind me, and not even think about it anymore!
Brittan at 13 weeks and 4 days, lady parts! :) |
I also had a scare with preeclampsia where I was experiencing some near-fainting spells, seeing spots, and having swelling. After labs, I was cleared of preeclampsia (for now). I also had a very bad, and scary experience, where one night, after showering, I went to apply deodorant, and I had severe pain in my right arm pit. After feeling a lump, I decided to do a self breast exam, since it was nearby, and I thought I felt a lump in my breast. After running to Brad, telling him about the discomfort in my armpit, and the lump in my breast, he thought that I might have just been paranoid and feeling things that aren't really there. So I scheduled an appointment with my OB right away, and was able to be seen the next day. I explained my concern, and without getting into much detail with my dr, she wanted to go ahead and check a few things herself. She started off feeling my armpit, and then wanted to do a breast exam, and the words that gave me chills like no before, she paused and looked at me and stated, "I don't like what I am feeling." I instantly became nauseous, and numb all over. She prescribed me an antibiotic in case it was a simple infection, that could be cleared up, and I was scheduled for a breast ultrasound at a Cancer Center. Cancer. Cancer. Here I am, 24, recently married, having a baby girl with a three year old son, headed to this dark, dreaded building.
Brittan at 19 weeks, look at her little nose! |
Of course, there's no such thing as an "easy" appointment at a place like that, so I was tense and on needles the entire time. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to watch Bentley, so he tagged along. Leave it to a toddler to make an already stressful situation, even worse. In the waiting room, while I was signing in at registration, he was picking out a brochure, piece by piece, just tossing them across the room. Then once I was able to try to clean that up, while filling out paper work, I look over, and Bentley is squirting hand santizier all over the desk. Clearly, seeing the frustration and worry in my face, the sweet woman reassured me that I would be back soon. I was called back and sent into a room to change my clothes to prep for the ultrasound. The room was filled with scripture, and even had a diary, for people to write down stuff in. I was able to escape the dressing room, drama free with Bentley, and head into the ultrasound room. I talked to Bentley, and told him that he needed to sit in the chair and wait for Mommy to be done, and we would be able to leave. I lay on the table, and begin to pour sweat. I look over, and Bentley is spinning around in the chair, and although I wanted to say something, I decided based on his previous actions, I was going to pick and choose my battles and didn't want to cause a scene. Bentley noticed the ultrasound machinery, and wanted to know if we were seeing "Peanut" aka Brittan. I told him know that they were just looking at something else. And...without fail, the toddler approaches and looks up at the ultrasound technician and says, "Are you looking at her boobies? I want to look at her boobies. Why are you looking at her boobies?" At that point, I could have broke down in tears. I quietly, but sternly asked Bentley to please go have a seat. The ultrasound tech assured me that he was fine, and that so far, she couldn't see anything abnormal besides a swollen lymph node, but it was the doctor that would make the ultimate decision on the images. And just when I thought things were finally calming down, and I'm in the clear, (I should have known better!), Bentley comes running over, holding his back side, saying, "I have to poop. I have to go poop." He
Thank. You. Jesus.
Brittan at 24 weeks, VERY much a girl! |
glances up at the ultrasound technician again, and states, "I have to poop. Do you poop? Do you poop here or at home?" I had to excuse myself from the room, and shuffle a toddler, preaching about poop, while in a gown to the bathroom. And as expected, I just broke down in the bathroom. I finally was able to wrap things up there, and head back to the room. The ultrasound was finished, and now it was time to wait for the doctor. He came in, a little too happy, which made me wonder if he was always this happy, or if he was amused at the boobies & poop stories that I'm sure he had heard about. He stated that everything looked great, there was a swollen lymph node giving me some trouble, but other than that, I was in the clear!
Who doesn't love swollen
pregnancy feet? |
Fetal monitor |
I had a pretty successful May without too many complications, until just last night, I was having some major swelling, some odd fluid discharge, and contractions, so off to the Labor & Delivery we went! My mom tagged along with me, and they hooked me up to the monitor and did an exam, and determined that it was just normal discharge, with braxton hicks, cleared me of any worries, infections, etc and sent me on my way!
For those that are still reading after this very long update, I will wrap it up here, with two more updates coming very soon.
Until next time...
26 weeks! |
Brandi, Bentley & Brittan <3